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How To Reduce Pet Dander in the Home

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Pets can be your best friends, but their shedding fur and dander can also be your worst enemy. Pets shed a combination of dead skin cells, and hair, which can trigger a reaction in some people.

Studies show, that six out of ten people in the United States don't react well to their furry and feathery friends.

But don't give up hope! It is possible to cut down on pet allergens at home. With a few lifestyle changes and a little help, you can enjoy pets all your life - Dander free! Here is how.


Minimize Contact

This does not mean avoiding your pet at all costs or cutting down on their daily good-boy/girl pat supply that they VERY much deserve! Rather, make your bedroom a "pet-free-zone". This will give people with sensitivity to pet dander, eight or more hours a day of reduced exposure.

Restricting pets to rooms with wood floors may also help. Wood flooring traps less dander than carpet and is easier to clean; keeping pets off carpet can help cut down on allergens. Note: People should wash their hands thoroughly after petting their pets.


Bathing & Grooming

Research shows that bathing your pet on a weekly basis can drastically reduce your chances to develop a reaction (By about 85%). This helps remove the excess dander, especially during hot summer days. Not to mention, it will help cool off your pup!

For cats, you may use a wet washcloth to clean them off (because god forbid we dare bring them near ANY body of water for any reason at all.)


Clean, Clean, Clean

Deep cleaning as often as possible will keep dander (as well as dust mites and other allergens) to a minimum.

However, vacuuming may not get all the allergens from the lower levels of a rug and dusting may stir up the dander as you clean. To help remove the deeply embedded pet hair in carpeting that your vacuum just can't reach (sometimes invisible to the eye), there is an inexpensive & effective product on Amazon called The Magic FurRocks. It is made in the USA from 100% recycled materials..and it works!

Note: Using a vacuum equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter or double bags may help reduce the allergen a bit better.


Filter the Air

HEPA filter air cleaners added to central heating and air conditioning used at least four hours per day can reduce the amount of animal dander that circulates through your home air. Air cleaners with an electrostatic filter also remove particles the size of animal allergens from the air.

See this a guide to help you choose the air cleaner that is right for you. Note: Try closing those in the rooms where asthmatic or allergic individuals spend the most time.


Salt Lamps

That's right. Salt lamps are believed to filter dust, mold, mildew and pet dander from indoor air. Just as a nasal saline spray uses salt to clear airways, they help to relieve dander-reactive symptoms of all kinds. People all over the world claim to benefit from Himalayan salt.

Not to mention, they are great for interior decorating!


Wash Pet Beds... Often

Think about it, what is the thing that our pups love to do the most? Nap. And where do they do it? their bed! Pet beds are another source of piled-up allergens, so wash it frequently.

You may even want to consider replacing pet beds every few months or so. You can always donate lightly-used beds to your local animal shelter, where homeless dogs are sure to appreciate the plush bedding. If you’re worried about cost, discount retailers like TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Ross all have pet beds—at a fraction of the cost.

If you decide to hold onto your pet beds a little longer, try this specially formulated laundry detergent designed to remove allergens at all water temperatures.


Keep Pets Off the Furniture - We Mean It!

If you let your dogs on your bed, you’re increasing your exposure to more than just the pet dander. Common allergens, like pollen and dust, can stick to a dog’s fur. If you let your dogs on your bed, those allergens will transfer to your bedding (Although we understand puppy eyes are extremely hard to resist..)


Rinse Your Sinuses Daily with Saline Water

Allergens can be trapped in our nose and cause a reaction. This is our body's way of telling us that it is trying to get rid of something it does not like... like pet dander. We can proactively clean out our sinuses with saline water and reduce these symptoms almost immediately. Saline solutions are sold at any of your local CVS, Walgreens, and on Amazon.

Bottom line is, you don’t have to wear a face mask or put your dog in a bubble to coexist! There are plenty of ways to deal with dog dander so you don’t have to live in misery to experience the joys of pet parenthood.

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